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Welcome to season 3 of the Impactful PBL™ Podcast– insight on how to build a sustainable, high-impact, project-based culture at your school site or within your school district without overwhelming instructional leaders, teachers, and students. This series is designed for school leaders, professional development coordinators for districts, PBL coordinators, teacher mentors, or anyone serving in a role that supports current or aspiring project-based teachers. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore strategies and tips to empower instructional leaders and teachers to become highly effective project-based educators.

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Dr. Candice Wilson-McCain Dr. Candice Wilson-McCain

[3.3] Sustaining PBL: Gaining clarity with a vision

A well-defined vision for a project-based learning (PBL) initiative is essential. The vision not only articulates the purpose and goals of the initiative but also aligns with the school's core values and broader educational objectives. This episode explores practical steps for creating and operationalizing a vision for project-based learning.

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Dr. Candice Wilson-McCain Dr. Candice Wilson-McCain

[3.2] Sustaining PBL: Identifying common roadblocks

Implementing and sustaining a high-impact project-based culture within a school or district comes with challenges. In this episode, we'll explore the roadblocks often encountered in building a sustainable PBL culture and discuss strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

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